Children's film specialist: Bernd Sahling

At eye level, the director looks at the world of children

Bernd Sahling (born 1961) is one of the most important German directors of feature films and documentaries for children and young people, who always strives for closeness to his characters in an authentic and respectful manner. From 1986 to 1991 he studied at the HFF "Konrad Wolf" in Babelsberg and was assistant director with Helmut Dziuba and Rolf Losansky. His feature films "The Duds" and "Upside Down" provide sensitive insight into a child's microcosm that is mostly foreign to us. Die Zeit wrote about "Kopfüber": "To stage a film drama about the disease ADHD in such a way that ten-year-olds remain seated in the cinema chair, but are not fobbed off with demonizing exaggerations, is really no small matter."